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Premium Koi Food

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Photo by Ian Barbour

I absolutely love feeding koi, watching the water boil with their greedy little mouths. My niece and nephew enjoy it even more than I do. The problem with feeding your koi is that it can get pretty expensive, even with just a couple of larger fish. There are lots of cheap koi foods on the market, but koi are just like any other animal in that the quality of their food has a huge, huge impact on their health. If you want to keep your fish healthy and beautiful, you really need to provide the best nutrition you can get.

That’s why I get so excited (some might even say oddly so) when I tell people about our Aquascape fish foods. These fish foods are very carefully designed by scientists, vets, and breeders to provide the best possible nutrition for your koi, carefully balanced to keep them healthy, boost immune systems, and promote beautiful scale color. Our fish foods will stand up next to the best premium fish foods out there. The price, though, is what makes all the difference. Our fish foods cost about half of what you’d pay for any other fish food of comparable quality (sometimes the price is even more staggering, up to five or six times what our foods cost).

Oh, and if you love the experience of feeding your pond fish, you should check out Koi Krunchies, a food specially designed for healthily hand-feeding your pond fish.

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