Rain gardens can serve as enhancements to traditional water gardens, especially ones that are homes for Koi.
While it is best to avoid building a Koi or other ornamental pond in areas where runoff occurs, it sometimes happens. Occasionally, the path of storm water changes, and a pond may end up receiving runoff from surrounding areas, when previously it did not.A rain garden serves as a natural filtration basin for the excess water. It catches and filters contaminates that inevitably come with such runoff and stops or reduces the amount landing in your pond. Koi thrive in clean, well-aerated water, so good filtration is important. Rain gardens can reduce the workload of filters within the pond.
Storm water runoff is an especially common issue in urban environments, because of the many roofs, sidewalks, roads and driveways; impervious surfaces where contaminates accumulate, and then rainfall carries the contaminates into surrounding areas.
Construction of a rain garden is relatively easy. One can be made by simply digging out a shallow depression and planting it with deep-rooted native plants that can withstand both wet and dry conditions. Ferns and grasses are great and many bog and flowering plants do well. Of course, choices vary, depending on your climate.
The water captured is held long enough to seep into the ground. The soil itself and the plants that take in the water, provide natures own filtration system. The best manufactured filters are good imitations of nature.
Not only is it practical, but also provides a lovely natural area that attracts wildlife as it assists with pollution control, in a natural, sustainable way. You could get jiggy with it and add a statue or urn as a focal point.
Rain gardens are promoted by environmental groups because they
- reduce contaminates washing into sewers and water supplies
- conserve water by utilizing rain for growing the plants within
- provide animal habitat
For more information on Rain Gardens, visit these sites: